
Influencer Application Selfie Seeds was founded by the educational brands Everything Grows & HWGrow.Inc. We always try to push the culture of home cultivation forward and with that mindset, venturing into genetics was inevitable. We actively seek the outcomes of all of our crosses and we love it when people share their photos of our creations with the world. We created this engagement based commission model as a way for our fans to be capable of earning their money back on purchased genetics simply by sharing their experiences with our lines on any social network. The only thing you need to do is reference our brand when you post your promotional content. The requirements needed to apply are:

Verified Customer of Selfie Seeds™ in Our System (We do not give out Testers)
Grower or Plant-Related Content Creator
Have an Active Account with Regular User Engagement
Declaration of Promotion(s) in Advance(see below)

Our current commission rates are as follows:

Followers Likes Comments Shares
1-50K $0.03 $0.05 $0.10
50K-100K $0.05 $0.10 $0.15
100K+ $0.07 $0.15 $0.25

To get started, please fill out the information below.


Post Details:

Social Media Platform:


Commission Rate:

Engagement Metrics:

Commissions are calculated exactly 2 weeks from the time of the original post. Re-posts do not qualify for commissions. You must be the original owner of any promotions you run. We reserve the right to cancel any affiliate accounts if we suspect the use of bots or funny business in general.